Joe 3.0 Jobs I’d Do For Free

When looking for a job, I wanted something I’d enjoy, as noted in my blog, something that I wouldn’t take home and stress about, and something that mattered in some small way. However, there were jobs I considered doing for free.

Here are the top 5

  1. HOV lane regulator. I might even pay to do this job. I mean, imagine the satisfaction of pulling over everyone who shouldn’t be in that lane or those who think it’s a super-fast autobahn where they can do any speed they want (usually the same person). Oh, the joy of issuing a $2000 ticket, or delaying them an hour while I figured out how to work the scanner or macing them if they gave me any grief.
  2. Chocolate Bar Tester. Seems easy enough. Bite. Crunch. Yup, that’s good. Bite. Crunch, yup that one needs more crunch. Bite. Crunch. Wait, there shouldn’t be a crunch in the Aero bar, so this one fails.
  3. Masseur for Sofia Vergara: Honestly, there are probably a lot of guys who’d take on a job like that, so my chances of doing this may be zero. However, Joe Manganiello, the massive guy who used to be her husband is no longer in the picture so at least I wouldn’t get murdered for touching his wife.
  4. D-Day Beach History Guide: Or any great historical place, really. As Joe 2.5, I would leap off my couch and run like hell towards the boys if either mentioned they wanted to know more about, say, the Canadians in WW1. I love, love, love history and if I had to do my life over again, I’d have been a history professor. Of course, anyone signing up for my tour may not like it when I tell them to run across Omaha Beach while I shoot at them, but they wanted the ‘full experience.’
  5. Being a part of Matt Mercer’s Critical Role D&D group. Now, they make some serious gold, but I’d happily do it to be part of the story he weaves, be a part of the group that really roleplays their characters, and be across from Laura Bailey (and sigh after saying, Laura you look so lovely today.) I may have to watch out for the giant Travis if he catches me looking at his wife the entire session, though.

I know just before I got my job, I was going to sign up to run D&D games for kids in the hospital (and once work settles down, I just might book off a day each week to do that.)

What job would you do for free?

About Joe Cummings

Aquarius. Traveler. Gamer. Writer. A New Parent. 4 of these things are easy. One is not. But the journey is that much better for the new people in my life. A life I want to share with others, to help them, maybe, to make them feel less alone, sure, to connect with the greater world, absolutely.
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8 Responses to Joe 3.0 Jobs I’d Do For Free

  1. Michael says:

    There are so many, but I’d have to put top of my list puppy tester. Sadly, I’ve hit that stage in my life when puppies are more exciting than most women.

  2. Michael says:

    There are so many, but I’d probably put puppy tester at the top of my list: just play with them for a bit, making sure they’re fine. Sadly, I’m at that age when puppies are more interesting than women.

  3. There are so many, but I think I’d put puppy tester at the top of my list: I’d play with the puppies, make sure they were o.k. If you want a real job, then there are puppy temperament testers. I’m a bit sad that I’ve reached a stage in my life when puppies seem more interesting than women.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Joe plays D&D so I am sure she would let you roll for it if he was still in the picture…

  5. says:

    I love your humor Joe! I picture you in my mind doing all of the actions you write about and it makes me laugh. Thanks!

    Also, it seems that you have a job. What are doing now?😀

  6. Sorry about the multiple posts — it didn’t seem to be working….

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